Starting an adoption can feel like being spun inside a kaleidoscope of paperwork. So many moving pieces to start and complete an adoption:

  • Home study paperwork

  • Placing agency paperwork

  • Specific country or state paperwork

  • State finalization paperwork

  • State notary requirements

  • Certifications for foreign adoptions

  • Immigration requirements

  • Financial adoption grants

As a former caseworker for a placing agency, I regularly requested changes to a family’s home study to meet all kinds of requests from coordinators. The best home study agencies to work with were agencies that could work quickly and thoroughly, without adding more stress to the adoptive families. Integrity Home Studies’ priorities include assisting families with streamlining adoption paperwork, without taking short cuts, to avoid delays in the multiple pieces of child placement. Home studies are not just the starting point of an adoption and IHS understands the need for administrative support through the entire placement process bringing the kaleidoscope into better focus.


You’ve Decided To Adopt, Now What?


How Do We Prepare To Bring A New Child Into Our Family?